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The Clean Energy strategies challenge is an industry award, globally led challenge aimed at breaking down the barriers and effectively increasing the pragmatic cross-pollination of company clean energy strategies.


Through friendly competitions, we are facilitating the development of innovative strategies with a goal of reducing the impact of global problems; in short, bringing together global minds to solve these issues facing our world. 


This challenge is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable development Goals, SDG #7,  with the 5 judging criteria drawn directly from the SDG 7 indicators. 


This challenge is free to enter and is open to any organisation or individual, irrespective of the size, sector, geographical location or affiliation your organisation is tied to. So long as you or your organisation have corporate social responsibilities strategies and agendas embedded within your operational ethos, we’re inviting you to take part in this event and get a chance to win an industry award. 


There are 6 award categories, 5 directly judged and the 6th being the overall challenge winner. More information about the judging criteria will be shared below. We hope that the winners of each award will inspire others to re-strategise and re-imagine their clean energy strategies. 



Overall Award for MOST IMPACTFUL Idea/Strategy: delivering across most of the UNSDG 7 targets and indicators


  1. Award for the Idea/Strategy with the greatest REUSE potential.

  2. Award for the Idea/Strategy for the greatest CHANGE in energy use.

  3. Award for the Idea/Strategy for the greatest REDUCTION  in energy use.

  4. Award for the MOST INNOVATIVE Idea/Strategy.

  5. Award for the Idea/Strategy that is the most applicable in the developing world.


Entry is easy and only takes 5 minutes. Please click on the below to register on to our challenge portal and take part.






Terms and conditions apply, please see challenge terms for more information.


  • What are the aims of this challenge?
    The goal of this challenge is to deliver on the ethos of having the Humility to Co-create. Many companies across the planet, have and are implementing clean energy strategies, yet seldom reach out to see and compare how they are progressing. We believe many company strategies could be pragmatically enhanced, by learning from others and not repeating lessons learned from others. United Nations Sustainable Goals (SDG) 7 ‘Affordable and clean energy’ centers on ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy. As noted by the UN, around 13% of our global population are unable to access modern electricity, with 3 billion people depending on wood or coal for cooking or heating. We have a responsibility as global citizens to safeguard our world, for ourselves and future generations; a goal only achievable by diversifying our energy consumption, steering towards cleaner energies. As major influencers in the realm of energy and sustainability, how has your organization reimagined its clean energy strategy? This is a challenge aimed at sourcing and sharing real pragmatic demonstrable examples across organizations that are stepping up to the clean energy SDG challenge. How has your organization reimagined its clean energy strategy? How has your organization shifted its strategies to incorporate cleaner energy? How can your organizational experiences inspire and act as beacons to others?
  • How is your organization reimagining its clean energy strategy within the UN SDG?
    A challenge to source and share real pragmatic demonstrable examples across organizations that are stepping up to the clean energy SDG challenge, UN SDG 7.
  • Is there a financial prize associated with the challenge?
    There is no financial prize associated with the challenge.
  • What do the winners of each award receive?
    All entrants receive the Kudos for helping the common good, and associated graphics to allow for posting on social media. External feedback on their Clean Energy Strategies. Comparison & awareness of likeminded corporate responsibility organisations. External & unbiased Benchmark across organizations, not just those in the same sector: (for Free) Ability to understand and potentially build on what other organizations entered strategies. Global media exposure of the entry via the TechForGood platform. Enhances your existing public-facing Corporate Social responsibility goals, strategies and reports. Winners will be invited to join the judging panels for other TechForGood challenges, continuing to share their expertise.
  • My entry is an idea, rather than a company or organisational strategy, will it be accepted?"
    Yes, all entries, so long as they are not malicious / trolling/ offensive will be accepted as entries and will be available for others to see and engage with, within the TechForGood platform. Please be aware, we are looking for strategies that are already in progress or operational.
  • My entry is an idea, rather than a company or organisational strategy, will someone implement it?"
    This challenge is to source and compare clean energy strategies, rather than source ideas – so there is no guarantee that your idea will be implemented. However, all entries so long as they are not malicious / trolling/ offensive will be accepted as entries and will be available for others to see and engage with, within the TechForGood platform.
  • Who are the judges / reviewers?
    The judges are sourced from a diverse range of organisations, both for profit and other not-for-profits. The judges will be announced nearer the closing date of the challenge.
  • I’m an individual rather than a company/ organisation – can I still enter?
    Yes, all entries, so long as they are not malicious / trolling/ offensive will be accepted as entries and will be available for others to see and engage with, within the TechForGood platform.
  • How many awards are there?
    There are 6 Awards of which 5 with be judged directly and the 6th award via consensus scoring of the aggregated values from each of 5 other categories and where possible the category aligns with existing and available UN SDG indicators, which can be found at
  • How will the challenge be judged?
    Award for the Idea/Strategy with the greatest REUSE potential.Which entry has the most reuse potential across different company verticals? Idea most applicable to others to gain inspiration from and implement. This category aligns with UNSDG indicators 7.1.2 and 7.a Award for the Idea/Strategy for the greatest CHANGE in energy use.Which entry has the greatest change on proportion of company reliance on clean energy? (NB Please note for this category switching supplier does not count.) Aligns with UNSDG indicators 7.2.1 Award for the Idea/Strategy for the greatest REDUCTION in energy use.Which entry has the greatest overall percentage reduction in use of energy? Aligns with UNSDG indicators 7.3.1 Award for the MOST INNOVATIVE Idea/Strategy.Which entry in your opinion is the most innovative? This is a subjective judgement and as such is at the discretion of the judges Award for the Idea/Strategy is the most applicable in the developing world.Which entry has the greatest potential re-use in developing world.? Aligns with UNSDG indicators 7.a Overall Award for MOST IMPACTFUL Idea/Strategy, delivering across most of the UNSDG 7 targets and indicators.This award comes from the consensus score of the entry across all the categories.
  • Where are the Terms and Conditions?
    The Terms are Conditions are located and can be reviewed prior to submission entry.
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